Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Call to Kindness...

Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile. Mother Teresa

We know the reputation of Mother Teresa was one of love, kindness and graciousness to those around her. It is definitely a worthy goal to strive for.

How can we even hope to get there?
We know we can't achieve perfection. In countless ways, every day, we fail to measure up to God's standard of perfection. God's kindness in creating us, sustaining us and redeeming us from our failures are undeserved. Yet He still desires us and He calls us to follow Him.

We know it goes so far beyond kindness, but for us it is a good starting place to dealing with our selfish and prideful attitudes. God is working to transform us and our hearts are the battlegrounds.

Every day, in all our relationships, we are called to demonstrate to others the kindness God wants us to show them. NOT because we want something from them or because we think they like us or they've proved to be worthy of our response - but because they too were created by God and it is OUR responsibility to live bringing honor to God in a way that stirs something beautiful in those relationships.

Speaking kindly - even to those who have hurt you, even those who are hurting you now - is one of God's tool to break the hearts of stone and call them to greater understanding of their own need for companionship (with God ultimately) but also the need for true friends while we live here and now. Relationships can be a tricky and painful mess. There is much damage that can be done, much confusion, sadness and doubt. Yet when God is in the relationship there begins to be a small reflection of what heaven must be like. There is a deep bond created between people who can be loving and kind at all times - even when they need to confront each other on an issue. Dignity and worth are still maintained...a deep trust the other person still has your best interest at heart grows and flourishes and love becomes more powerful then any hurts or failures. You know true love when you are able to feel it even in the moments you are being challenged by a friend. All that grows out of a godly kindness.

True kindness is apparent - you can see it in the person's face, eyes and smile. You know when they are being genuine and you can't help but be affected by it. Harsh words tear down a relationship. They are like a poison that slowly kills from within. Kind words and deeds rebuild and heal many wounds. Our kindness to others can only be a small reflection of God's kindness to us. Each moment we have a choice. God created us to be in a relationship with Him and with the humans around us. To live and work as a community of people we need to get to know each other on a level that we can understand their needs and desires. We encourage one another, help each other in difficult times, protect each other and persevere together. In doing so we learn more about God, each other and ourselves then we can any other way.

We can never repay the debt He freed us from. Yet each day we can do our best to point others towards Him so they too can know the freedom from despair over the mess our lives are. This takes going through each moment of our day with a purpose in mind: letting our actions and speech reflect God's kindness - HOW can we build each other up - EVEN in those moments when we see someone doing things differently then we want or think they should do? HOW can we encourage them when they are weary, strengthen them when they are weak or confused and help protect them from the enemy's attacks when we are shaking our heads in disgust at the ways we see them messing up. God's kindness (which when full-blown grows to compassion. mercy and grace) comes to the person in their need and kindly says, "I am here to grieve with you as long as it takes, give you what you need even when I disagree, love you even when it hurts me --- all because God would have me do nothing less."

Yes, we are still in a battle. We fail all the time, every day. We hurt people without thinking - sometimes without realizing it. We know until our life ends we won't always triumph...and it can be discouraging until we remember we are freed from needing to strive for perfection. All we need to remember is God never gives up on us - He gives grace to us when we mess up and gives us grace to extend to others when they mess up. So we move on ---looking for opportunities to bear one another's burdens, speaking kindly to all, looking upon the outcast with love, and smiling, knowing we have a power within us that can break all the shackles that are seeking to paralyze us. One kind word is all it takes to save a person's life who could be standing on the brink of eternal destruction. We've all been there at one time or another. God has given us enormous capability to bring His life-changing kindness to a lost, hurting world. When we stay focused on Him we are better equipped to communicate God's kindness in a believable, even tangible way. Pray God will bring more awareness of the attitudes in your heart that keep you from living kindness in your relationships. God promises when we seek Him with all our heart we will find Him!!

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