Thursday, March 18, 2010


When we move as God's hand guides us, safely under His wings, we will soar to new places and heights.

Sheryl Lynn Hill

(I discovered she is an author of a book celebrating the relationship between a mother and daughter and is currently working on another book.)

How else can it be stated but that trusting in God is an exercise of faith. There are countless times and ways God blesses His people. Is it dependent on our actions and trust in Him? Nope. In some ways that is a comfort - we don't have to DO things to earn blessings from Him...Yet it can also be a source of frustration - at times we may wonder if He REALLY loves us then why did the thing we most not want to happen still occur? Life is a journey - a roller coaster of ups and downs. We can't figure out the mind of God - why He decides to provide what we desire OR why He decides not to.

I'm sure I'm not alone in having times when I think I know what He wants from me but I don't understand WHY. Is it true that if we follow His guidance we are safe? Exactly what type of safety?

The quick answer to this is in some way when we follow God we are safe from discipline and from some types of pain. But not in all ways across the board. We live in a world of sin and are affected by others actions, not just our own. We may do everything right in a situation but due to others can be deeply wounded...and sometimes even be in a position of insecurity. Yet as God's children we do have a promise of future safety. Jesus lived a perfect life out of love and obedience to the Father. He endured great pain, shame (in the eyes of others) and felt the separation / alienation of the most important relationship to Him. His safety was taken away from HIM - so that WE can be forgiven our sins, be restored to companionship and grasp assurance of eternal safety. Do we always feel safe? Nope...Does it change the fact that God is powerful and as I said before holds onto us even when we can't hold onto Him? Nope. Nothing gets in His way!

So......How do we view the minor things / the major things that happen each day? The strong feelings they stir in us?

Yes, there is a real sense in when we are truly trusting in God - that those minor and major events don't harm us as much. There is a protection around us. Like the Psalmist says - Thou O Lord are a shield about me, you're my glory, the lifter of my head.

HE gets us through the rough days. He gives us courage and strength to keep going. Knowing that God loves us enough to move us beyond our fears, pain and confusion does show us new discoveries about ourselves, about others, about Him...We do reach new heights and places.

Sheryl's reference to wings and soaring in the quote reminds me of the Bible passage in Isaiah (Ch 40:30-31) Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

We all have times we are discouraged, tired, even about to give up. God presence is a comfort in those times. We wait for Him to guide us. We speak when we need to, be silent when we need to, stop or move when we need to. Is it always going to happen that we feel safe or know what we should do? No - sometimes there is so much in the way it's hard to discern truth. Is it still there? Yes. Eventually if we keep looking and waiting - We'll find it. Waiting is hard - but the blessings that come from it teach us, grow us and indeed give us strength. Imagine such a trust and faith and hope that all trouble seem to fade away - they become so light that you can fly and leave them behind! It is a beautiful picture of that we only know in part here, but one day will know the full effect of what we've been granted. It's almost exciting enough to make it hard to wait :) - I BET it will be worth it!

(Back later to edit)

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